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What is the difference between synchronous and asynchronous servo-presses?

With the continuous popularization and application of servo drive in forging industry, servo press is more and more favored by forging enterprises.Because the servo press has the advantages of compound, high efficiency, high precision, high flexibility, low noise, energy saving and environmental protection, fully meet the future development trend of forging press.

Servo press usually refers to the servo motor drive control of the press, there are synchronous servo press and asynchronous servo press, so how to choose the forging enterprises really suitable for the enterprise of the press?The following is a distinction between the two presses.

Asynchronous servo motor is also known as the stepper motor, this motor input each control pulse, the motor will rotate according to a set Angle, this Angle is the stepping Angle, when the input pulse period is long, the motor will turn slowly, when the period is short, it will turn fast.

Different from asynchronous servomotor, synchronous servomotor itself has the function of sending pulses. Therefore, every rotation Angle of the servomotor will send corresponding number of pulses. In this way, the rotation of the motor can be controlled very accurately, and accurate positioning can be achieved up to 0.001mm.

1. Different control mode and speed

Asynchronous servo motor: Analog quantity control.

Synchronous servo motor: pulse control.

2 different ways of heat dissipation

Asynchronous servo motor: fan cooling, cooling slow.

Synchronous servo motor: water cooled heat dissipation, fast heat dissipation.


3. Different speed regulation performance

Asynchronous servo motor: speed regulation performance is poor.

Synchronous servo motor: high speed and low speed can be switched at will.

4 Different overload capacity

Asynchronous servo motor: does not have overload capacity.

Synchronous servo motor: with strong overload capacity.

5. Different speed response performance

Asynchronous servomotor: It takes 400 ms to go from rest to acceleration.

Synchronous servomotor: accelerates from rest to rated speed in milliseconds.

The forging press driven by synchronous servo motor not only improves the flexibility and intelligence of the equipment, but also improves the working characteristics of the press, which becomes the development direction of the new generation of the press.Forging enterprises can fully understand the advantages and disadvantages of various servo press, and combined with the required production process of enterprise forgings, to choose the required press.

