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Is the electric screw press already servo-driven?

A few days ago, a customer was very confused. Did the electric screw press already use servo drive?In fact, servomotors have been in use in the enterprise since 2012 and are now more commonly used.As one of the key technologies of CNC machine tools, industrial robots and other industrial machinery control, servo drive technology has received much attention at home and abroad.

The 1990s is the decade when servo drive system realizes full digitization, intelligentization and networking.This is especially true in some industrialized countries.

In the early 1980s, China made great achievements in servo drive technology by introducing, digesting and absorbing foreign advanced technology and under the initiative of the country.

Since 2012, while the state has been continuously organizing scientific and technological breakthroughs, some private high-tech companies have also injected new vitality into the development of China's servo drive technology.For example, Zhengzhou Hualong has put the fourth generation of electric screw press into the market in 2012. This generation of press is a fully enclosed static pressure CNC press driven by servo technology.

electric screw press

At present, the electric screw press in the domestic market has already adopted the servo drive technology, the servo drive is no longer many years ago out of reach of foreign technology, also gradually in the private enterprise emerging and upgrading.

In the forging industry in the current market, the use of electric screw press has long been servo driven, in the face of the development of the entire forging market, more and more enterprises prefer servo driven electric screw press.

